Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cook, Eat, Be Merry

Friday, July 31, 2009

Since the weather has not been fit for man nor beast, I have been exploring the cooking sites on the internet. I accidentally fell across http://www.how2heros.com and have been enjoying their videos. This week, they have been visiting the foods of Portugal and Spain with a look into dim sum. There is also a look at a full bodied squid to be cleaned. That's enough to turn you off of calamari for years to come. Yuk!

There are tons of videos for about every food you would like to prepare, and some that you wouldn't. A lot of the videos are done by amateurs, but most are professional. I have learned something from all that I have watched.

It's a fun way to spend a rainy morning. Enjoy!

Ruth Ann

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